How COVID-19 is affecting HCPs as vaccinations take hold | MD Analytics ULC

How COVID-19 is affecting HCPs as vaccinations take hold

By Tyler Hassman, CEO

August 25, 2021

As the COVID-19 vaccination campaign ramped up in the Spring, and rates of infections dropped, a return to normality appeared to be on the horizon. However, with widespread vaccine hesitancy paired with the virulent spread of the delta variant, we are once again left with an uncertain view of the future.

Throughout the past year, MD Analytics has been monitoring the effects of this uncertainty, and the pandemic in general, on the practices and perceptions of HCPs. Ongoing changes in workloads, patient assessments, and interactions with pharma have had direct and meaningful impact on the healthcare industry.

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Our latest short survey presents the current state of HCPs’ practices in the U.S. and their assessment of the government’s management of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. It also delves into the changes in the modes of interactions with both patients and the pharmaceutical industry.

Despite the recent surge of infections, HCPs are almost back to pre-COVID levels, with physicians reporting 91% of their typical patient loads. Pharmacists are even closer, at 96%. When looking at perceptions of the governments performance at managing the vaccination campaign, there are regional divides, with those in the South much less satisfied with government performance. And finally, it appears HCPs are embracing virtual interactions and expect an increase in the percentage of interactions being done virtually for both patients and pharma reps even after the population is adequately vaccinated.

Take a look at our infographic to learn more about how HCPs have been impacted and what changes are here to stay.

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