Medical Qualitative Research Guide | MD Analytics ULC

A Guide to Successful Qualitative Research

Qualitative research can provide a deeper understanding of physicians’ attitudes and behaviours than quantitative methodologies, however increased demands on physician time may cause some to refuse participating. Determining the optimal study design and appropriate recruitment techniques can help physicians become more willing to participate. This month’s featured quick poll among 165 GPs and 100 medical specialists will uncover how to avoid roadblocks and increase physician interest to get the most out of qualitative research.

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Physicians enjoy qualitative research, find it engaging and agree it provides the opportunity to fully express thoughts and opinions. 89% agree it allows the ability to more fully express thoughts and opinions. 88% agree it offers the opportunity to provide more complete answers. 81% find it more engaging. 80% enjoy participating in qualitative research.

However, qualitative research comes with some demands on physicians that may make participation more challenging. 88% are more likely to participate if travel is not required. Compared to GPs, Specialists are less likely to participate if travel to a viewing location is required. 78% have difficulty finding time to schedule interviews. Compared to Specialists, GPs are more likely to agree that finding time to schedule interviews is a barrier. Only 53% of physicians are willing to attend in-person qualitative interviews.

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