Understanding Patient Influence on Disease Management | MD Analytics ULC

Understanding Patient Influence on Disease Management and Treatment Options

By Tyler Hassman, CEO

February 28, 2020

Patients are increasingly influential stakeholders within the healthcare industry as more medical information becomes available online than ever before. This independent market research study, conducted by MD Analytics, takes a closer look at patients in order to better understand their motivations and predict their behaviours within this complex landscape.

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As the infographic shows, even though the vast majority of patients are aware of the difference between branded vs. generic, only half have been given the option for a branded or generic version by their doctor when being prescribed a medication, and have discussed their options with a pharmacist when filling their prescription.

Attitudinally, a third of patients agree that branded medications work significantly better, are safer than their generic counterparts, and would pay a little more for them – driven primarily by younger patients who seem to be more opinionated.

This is not the whole story. Contact us if you are interested to learn more about the findings from this independent study conducted by MD Analytics.

Key takeaways

  • What do Canadian patients think about pharmaceutical companies, and to what extent do they trust them?
  • How do Canadian patients differentiate between branded vs. generic medications? OTC vs. natural products?
  • How often do patients search for information and self-educate instead of seeking professional medical advice?
  • How adherent are patients when it comes to following their doctor’s orders?
Infographics may contain select findings from our Independent Studies. Contact us to find out if your organization qualifies for a complimentary presentation with access to the full report.

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