Discover How Physicians Want to Learn About New Treatments | MD Analytics ULC

Discover How Physicians Want to Learn About New Treatments

Engaging prescribers is a key component to the launch of any new brand. But what are the key components that drive interest for physicians in learning more?

Overall, physicians express greater satisfaction when learning about new products through in person interactions compared to virtual or digital interactions. However, regardless of how they learn about new product, the types of resources physicians prefer are similar. The top most preferred resources for both GPs and Specialists include presentation at conferences, discussions with peers, educational events that include KOLs or treatment areas experts, presentations by lead authors, journal clubs and discussions with Pharmaceutical reps. While a majority agree (66%) they are more likely to engage with reps or MSLs to discuss new products or indications, more physicians agree (87%) they are more likely to meet with a rep or MSL with whom they have an established relationship.

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Outside of their preferred channel to engage and learn about new products, the types of information presented about new brands can also drive interest. Both Specialists and GPs suggest the most compelling information about new products are data showing efficacy in head to head trials and to a lesser extent placebo based comparisons, better tolerability and safety profiles, data demonstrating improved quality of life, more convenience as well as longer duration of action.

While GPs and Specialists share similar views on their preferred channels as well as the types of information they find compelling, they do differ in terms of when they prefer to learn about new products. While more than 8 in 10 GPs say they prefer to learn about new product once they are approved and / or they have access, just over half of Specialists say they want to know about new drugs during the clinical trial phase.

Creating interest and providing information that drives physicians to prescribe and recommend new products is a challenge but successful engagement that is tailored to what interests physicians through the channels they find most engaging can help ensure new brands succeed.

Key takeaways

  • Ideal aspects of a new product launch in terms of the types information
    communicated and the value of available communication channels
  • Perceived drivers of success for new product launches that were well received during COVID-19
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