Survey Results | Health & Pharmaceutical Marketing Research

Survey Results

Does Online Advertising Click for Physicians?

Does Online Advertising Click for Physicians?

Strong online advertising and messaging are key to maximizing impact of any marketing campaign. With recent restrictions on in-person interactions, online advertising and messaging play an even greater role in reaching physicians. Our findings from a survey of n=227 Canadian physicians show that 82% of Canadian physicians have increased their use of online platforms as a result of COVID-19, 48% significantly so.

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Physicians’ Perspectives on Cannabis Legalization – One year later

Physicians’ Perspectives on Cannabis Legalization – One year later

In October 2018, the use of recreational cannabis was legalized across Canada. Looking back at the past year, physicians remain divided in their views towards this new legislation, though support skews towards younger GPs. This legislation has impacted the use of prescription treatments and patient visits in a number of key therapeutic areas, though not to the degree that was anticipated 12 months ago.

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Real World Evidence – Does it influence prescribing decisions?

Real World Evidence – Does it influence prescribing decisions?

Real World Evidence (RWE) is a growing area of research that, pivoting from the rigorously controlled standards of randomized controlled trials (RCT), is based on a model driven by real world patient data. Real World Evidence stems primarily from an observational analysis of a sample in a less controlled environment. Focused on the efficacy and outcomes of therapies in a real world setting, RWE provides a unique lens not attainable from traditional clinical trial research.

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Physicians’ Perspectives on Pitfalls in the Patient Journey

Physicians’ Perspectives on Pitfalls in the Patient Journey

In the healthcare system, a patient’s journey to optimal care presents many obstacles. There are numerous steps involved from the onset of a medical condition to the moment when satisfactory results are achieved. This healthcare survey seeks to reveal key opportunities within the patient journey that would assist patients along their way and ultimately improve outcomes. Further healthcare market research could also be conducted by disease area to dig deeper into these insights.

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Are Canadians Taking Unnecessary Risks with Their Health?

Are Canadians Taking Unnecessary Risks with Their Health?

Over a 3-day period, MD Analytics surveyed 1,000 Canadians that are responsible for making health-related decisions. It was found that respondents are often choosing to not to see a physician when health-related scenarios arise, citing self-diagnosis or lack of convenience as their key reasons. Respondents are also strongly likely to visit a walk-in clinic instead of their family physician, with convenience again mentioned as the key reason.

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Biosimilar Use in Cancer Treatment – Current attitudes and perceptions

Biosimilar Use in Cancer Treatment – Current attitudes and perceptions

Biological drugs, protein-based products derived from living cells using biotechnology, have been used since the 1990’s as a treatment option for cancer patients. Since 2009, biosimilar therapies (therapeutically equivalent subsequent entry biologics) have been available in different therapeutic areas in Canada, and are now on the verge of becoming available for use in oncology.

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Recreational Cannabis’ Impact on Physicians’ Practice

Recreational Cannabis’ Impact on Physicians’ Practice

The Canadian Senate recently passed Bill C-46 which will allow for the legal use of recreational cannabis across Canada by Fall 2018. While some physicians anticipate this new legislation will impact their practices with patients electing to try recreational cannabis instead of more traditional prescription medications or medical cannabis, others anticipate increases in patient visits related to dependence and psychotic symptoms.

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Optimizing CHE Delivery for Younger Physicians

Optimizing CHE Delivery for Younger Physicians

Traditional in-person continuing health education (CHE) programs remain the most attended format for Canadian physicians practitioners, however preferred sources of CHE vary widely by generation. As educational activities are an important channel to communicate important scientific data about new treatment options, program success will benefit from a tailored approach to CHE delivery.

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Oncologists’ Usage of Biomarker Testing is Growing, but Opportunities for Increased Use Remain

Oncologists’ Usage of Biomarker Testing is Growing, but Opportunities for Increased Use Remain

Biomarkers are molecules found in bodily fluids or tissues (including the tumor tissue). They provide valuable information about the cancer cells and non-cancer cells when analyzing which biomarkers are produced in response to the cancer. By developing a biomarker profile of a patient’s cancer, doctors can recommend the best suited treatment plan for their patient.

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The Role of Alternative Medicine Treatment Options

The Role of Alternative Medicine Treatment Options

With the emergence of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), prescription options alone are no longer the norm as it pertains to treating a number of medical conditions. Research among 170 Canadian physicians shows that CAM therapies are not only common practice for many already, but are expected to become even more widely accepted as viable treatment options within the conventional medical community.

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Smart Drugs – Attitudes and public health implications

Smart Drugs – Attitudes and public health implications

Smart Drugs (or nootropics) are substances used to enhance cognitive functions. Exact usage numbers are difficult to ascertain, but a recent study conducted among UBC students found that 1 in 30 students admitted using ADHD medication they were not prescribed, for their cognitive effects. The use of Smart Drugs appears to be gaining momentum in Canada, especially among students and young professionals in high pressure situations, thereby having the potential to turn into a public health issue.

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Impact of Diabetes Apps on Blood Glucose Meter Recommendations

Impact of Diabetes Apps on Blood Glucose Meter Recommendations

Modern Blood Glucose Meter (BGM) devices can often pair with a companion app on a smartphone, which allows patients to easily record and monitor their blood glucose levels over time. This gives the patient, and potentially their doctor, easy to access historical data, insightful charts, and other information that can aid in diabetes management. Research was conducted by MD Analytics to assess whether Canadian GPs are accepting this technology, and if it plays a role in their recommendation of one BGM over another.

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Which Pharmaceutical Companies are Seen as Leaders?

Which Pharmaceutical Companies are Seen as Leaders?

Corporate reputation plays an important role in enabling companies to further differentiate their products in highly competitive markets. As a result our team sought to better understand how pharmaceutical manufacturers are currently perceived. After surveying Canadian GPs, we noticed several trends.

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